Primary research interests:
- Mathematical theory of neural networks.
- My research investigates the geometric foundations of deep
learning theory, the study of neural networks as function
classes for supervised learning. My focus is on
feedforward ReLU neural networks -- a family that coincides
with the class of finitely piecewise linear functions.
- Dynamical systems with connections to geometry/topology.
- The focus of much of my recent and ongoing work is
topological entropy and Thurston sets. The overarching
question my work investigates is ``which numbers are
topological entropy of which dynamical systems, and what
does that tell us about the dynamical systems?"
Research advisees:
- Ethan
Farber, Ph.D. student
- Henry Bayly, senior thesis
- Alex Benanti, senior thesis
- Jieqi Di, scholar of the college thesis (2nd reader)
- Hong Cai, geophysics MS student (2nd reader)
- On Functional Dimension and Persistent Pseudodimension (With
- Hidden symmetries of ReLU neural networks (with E.
Grigsby, D. Rolnick)
- Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on
Machine Learning, PMLR 202:11734-11760
- Bicritical rational maps with a common
iterate (with S.
Koch, T. Sharland)
- Functional dimension and moduli spaces
of ReLU neural networks (with E.
Grigsby, R.
Meyerhoff, C. Wu)
- Local and global topological complexity measures of generic,
transversal ReLU neural network functions (with E.
Grigsby, M. Masden).
- Existence of maximum likelihood estimates in exponential
random graph models (with H. Bayly, A. Khanna).
- Master Teapots and entropy algorithms for the Mandelbrot set
(with G. Tiozzo, C. Wu).
- To appear in Transactions of the American Math.
- Link to arxiv
- On transversality of bent hyperplane arrangements and the
topological expressiveness of ReLU neural networks (with E.
- A characterization of Thurston's Master Teapot (with C. Wu).
- Degree-d-invariant laminations (with W. Thurston, H. Baik, Gao
Yan, J. Hubbard, Tan Lei, D. Thurston).
- The Shape of Thurston's Master Teapot (with H. Bray,
D. Davis, C. Wu).
- Fekete polynomials and shapes of Julia sets (with M. Younsi).
- Convex shapes and harmonic caps (with L.
- Horocycle
flow orbits and lattice surface characterizations (with
J. Chaika).
- Counting invariant components of
hyperelliptic translation surfaces.
- Shapes of polynomial Julia sets.
- A Game of Life on Penrose tilings (with
D. Bailey).
- Flat surface models of ergodic systems (with R.
- Measurable Sensitivity (with J.
James, T.
Koberda, C.
Silva, P. Speh).
- On ergodic transformations that are both
weakly mixing and uniformly rigid (with J.
James, T.
Koberda, C.
Silva, P. Speh).
- Families of dynamical systems associated
to translation surfaces.
- Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell
University, 2014.
- Descriptive dynamics of Borel
endomorphisms and group actions.
- Honors thesis in mathematics, Williams
College, 2007.